The laboratory conducts physical and chemical testing of polymeric materials, as well as technological tests. For details on the ordering and cost of tests, it is necessary to contact the head of the laboratory The laboratory conducts the tests within the best possible limits but is not accredited for these methods and the results are therefore of an indicative nature.
Test/normative document/method
Description of the test
ISO 527 Plastics – Determination of tensile properties.
MPa, %
Determination of the tensile strength of plastics (films or test specimen made by injection moulding)
ISO 178 Plastics – Determination of flexural properties
Determination of the flexural modulus of plastics (injection moulding test specimen)
ISO 11469 Plastics – Generic identification and marking of plastics products
Detection of polymeric materials by the FTIR method
ISO 1133 Plastics – Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics
g/10 min
Determination of the melt flow index
ISO 11357-1 Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Parts 1-3
°C, %
Determination of glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature, melting point and degree of crystallisation
ISO 11357-6:2013 Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 6: Determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal OIT) and oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT)
Thermal stability, oxidation resistance
ISO 6721-10 Plastics — Determination of dynamic mechanical properties — Part 10: Complex shear viscosity using a parallel-plate oscillatory rheometer
Pa·s vs. °C
Pa·s vs. Hz
The dependence of complex viscosity on temperature and frequency
Film preparation – laboratory method
Preparation of film by the method of extrusion blowing
Preparation of polymer mixtures – laboratory method
Mixing / compounding of thermoplastic polymers with various fillers
EN ISO 1872-2 Plastics – Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials – Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
Preparation of test specimen for tensile tests, flexural tests, impact tests, density or rheological properties by injection moulding method
Preparation of non-woven materials – laboratory method
Preparation of nano/microfiber nonwoven materials by electrospinning method
Separation – laboratory method
Separation of solutions and mixtures by thin-film distillation and rectification method
Crushing – laboratory method
Crushing polymeric materials in a knife cutter, 0.1–1 mm particles.

Biopolümeeride tehnoloogia labor
Materjali- ja keskkonnatehnoloogia instituut
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool